JIRA Timesheet Reports is working realy log time

Issue #346 resolved
Former user created an issue

After upgrade to version 2.3.15 we have very slow Timesheet Report. When i click on the link on the 'Project Summary' i'm wait about 20 minutes for report. There is no information on the screen, only wait response from the server.

Comments (21)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    I can't get what is 'Project Summary' is in the case. Could you please clarify?

    a) Using timehseet gadget 'Summary for project <name>', you click 'Details' and then it takes long?

    b) You go via project reports, and then report configuration screen takes long to open?

    Anything else?

    Thank you

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi. My answer - b. I go to the project and on 'Summary' page i click 'Timesheet Report' and wait a long long time (20-25 min) for next screen where i can choose some parameters for report.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    And do you have plenty of groups? May be using Atlassian Crowd or other directory? What plugin version did you use before when it was working fine?

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Yes, we use Crowd. We have many users (about 11 000) and groups in our organization. I think version was 2.3.10 (i found it on staging environment) but not sure in it.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Sorry for my stupid question, but i can't find atlassian-plugin.xml and timesheet-gadget.xml in my JIRA instance

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Sorry, forget my last post. I'll find it. Need read more attentively "You may find download jar from marketplace or lookup one in your installed instance (find jira-home -name jira-timesheet-pluign*.jar), extract atlassian-plugin.xml (jar xf jira-timesheet-pluign-2.3.15.jar atlassian-plugin.xml), edit then pack back (jar uf jira-timesheet-pluign-2.3.15.jar atlassian-plugin.xml) and reinstall it in your JIRA (uninstall existing then instlall modified jar)."

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Right, thank you for catching this, it's rather messy. Notice, no need to alter *.js or *-gadget.xml. It appears problem is only with report configuration screen, thus it's enough to modify targetGroup report configuration option twice in atlassian-plugin.xml only.

  8. Dave C Account Deactivated

    From my earlier comment, whilst I'm not a dev it looks this this may be causing it:

            Collections.sort(sortedFields, new Comparator<Field>() {
                public int compare(Field o, Field other) {
                    return o.getName().compareTo(other.getName());

    Have you tested the plugin with larger sets of custom fields? Might be this is what's causing the problems..?

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi David,

    Could you please clarify, if the problem happens on report configuration screen or on report itself? I think that mentioned code is not executed on report screen itself.

    Also to eliminate huge number of users problems, the main cause is using Crowd, or any external user directory. Do they use one?

    Thank you.

  10. Dave C Account Deactivated

    Hey Andriy,

    I'm sorry for not getting back to you earlier. The problem is occurring on the Report Configuration screen rather than the report itself. They are using Crowd (we use this for all our OD instances), however they have very few users and groups. I have restored the instance onto a local JIRA 5.2.10 standalone and surprisingly it's working OK now.

    We're going to look into this further to see whether or not it is caused by the integration with Crowd or not - however I can see this issue has been resolved, which I imagine is because this issue is caused by https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-32510 - is that correct?

    EDIT: I raised https://bitbucket.org/azhdanov/jiratimesheet/issue/363/time-sheet-report-takes-an-excessive instead.

  11. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi David,

    Right, this is issue marked are resolved because of workaround available and JRA-32510 rised for actual solution and it is confirmed as a problem in JIRA .

    I will try to reproduce problem with smaller amounts of groups also as you described in issue #363

    Thank you.

  12. Former user Account Deleted


    I was contact with you about Timesheet report is too slow. I have something like this but with 'project pivot report'. Page loading .... and it took very very long time ... and ineffectually.

    Please help to solved this problem.

  13. Andriy Zhdanov

    Please apply the same workaround for pivot report, i.e. edit atlassian-plugin.xml, locate targetGroup property for projectpivot report, and replace select type with string.

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