Timesheet Report by Group/Project showing 0 hours

Issue #353 resolved
Hilary Boyce created an issue

We use the Jira OnDemand service and I think there has recently been an upgrade in the Timesheet report.

We frequently run reports for all users in our Professional Services group for a named Project using the TimeSheet Report. Until this week this was fine, but now it doesn't work for a significant number of projects.

To duplicate

Select dates 1st to 23rd April (choosing last month has same effect) leave user blank Group: select users (which group doesn't seem to matter) another option is staff or Professional Services Project: Select a named project from list

Leave the other fields to their defaults.

Result report showing 0 hours worked. If I run the report entering my own username for the project rather than a group then results are shown. Also if I use a group and all projects then results are shown. It seems to be the combination of a group and a project that is causing the problems. There are a few projects that still work, but not many and I don't know why they do.

Our finance team use these reports to do all our company billing so there will be major problems for us if this is not fixed by the end of the month. Each project represents a client and we need to be able to run the report for all staff who have worked on it, not just individual members of staff.

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Hilary,

    I think this is because of 2.3.15 update, sorry for this inconvenience, and here is the cause and suggested solution:

    Project timesheet gadget, if project is selected and no target user is specified. Applicable for report also.

    CAUTION: If project and group are specified in timesheet report or gadget configuration, plugin displays worked hours for project members only. And membership is determined by all project roles beside Users. Adding needed groups to Developers role should be sufficient, but you may want to elaborate project roles. Then you may use project roles without groups to get project timesheet.

    Please let me know if it helps.

    Thank you.

  2. Hilary Boyce reporter

    Hi Andriy

    Thank you for answering so promptly.

    I think we have a big problem then because we don't use the roles feature for our projects - we use permission schemes based on groups. There is no one in the developers role (or the users role) on any of our many projects.(85+ projects).

    This report is very important to us, we use it to manage all our time-keeping as a company and all our billing to clients for work done.

    regards Hilary

  3. Hilary Boyce reporter

    I probably can, however it will take hours to process all our projects.

    It would help if it was clear on the report selection form how to use it. I doubt if we are the only ones who don't use the developers role or who have non-developers who book time to projects.

    The form also implies that you need either the username or a group or a role, with the group taking priority not both. I now see you have described the solution to this in your wiki, but most Jira users have no idea that they are using a separate plugin, who produces it and how to find instructions. Clicking the Atlassian help link at the top of the screen provides nothing useful as there appears to be nothing whatsoever about your plugin in their documentation. Perhaps you could add a link to the Timesheet report wiki to the form?

    regards Hilary

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hm, I thought you can add 'jira-users' group to Developers role, and it will be applied to all projects.

    I agree it's confusing. In version 2.3.16 I've added this information to the footer. I guess help link is in recent JIRA versions only. I will investigate the possibility of adding the link to timesheet documentation within it. Thank you for suggestion!

    Also, I've tried to make 'Project Timesheet' feature without extra configuration property. I'm trying to make it whole intuitive. But of course it's not that easy. Sorry for troubles.

  5. Hilary Boyce reporter

    Thank you for the suggestion of doing it globally. It looks like I can add a group to the role as a default, but it will only work for new projects, I think I will still have to manually change the 80+ projects we already have.

    As a developer myself I can appreciate how hard it is to see software as newcomers see it when you know it inside out! I'm glad to hear that you have added the information to the form and will expect to see it in due course when we are next upgraded by Atlassian.

    regards Hilary

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    With upcoming release 2.4 it is changed again, so it is no need to use project roles, thus marking it as resolved.

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