Show detailed report with issues doesn't work

Issue #394 resolved
Jakub Faltýnek created an issue

In new version I can't get detailed report with issues. Even it is checked, report shows just project and no issues. Labels are strange in compare to old version (see pictures in attachements).

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Jakub,

    It's mentioned in release notes, this update requires JIRA restart, because JIRA reports configuration is not OSGi aware, so it does not pick updates. Sorry for troubles, though.

    Thank you.

  2. Jakub Faltýnek reporter

    OK, sorry, I will try restart. I tried to do clean reinstallation (if it means to uninstall plugin and then install new version) which is mentioned as possible way too.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hm, right, clean install worked for me on some JIRA instance, may be it does not work in all cases, I remove this from release notes, sorry for confusion.

    Thank you.

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