TimeSheet Report configuration windows is inaccessible

Issue #402 resolved
BNT created an issue

From Project summary page, TimeSheet Report configuration form doesn't open; so the reports are inaccessible.

With a pre-saved url it does, but I cannot change start and end date from the link "change" (TimeSheet report configuration form is always inaccessible).

If I change any date range in the url, always the report of this week is displayed.

TSR 2.5.4 JIRA 5.2.10

Comments (15)

  1. BNT reporter

    The version 2.5.4 has installed automatically by click "update plug-in" by JIRA Plug-in manage-add-on page.

  2. BNT reporter

    no error, the browser is waiting... I can patch my installation jar but version 2.5.4 isn't downloaddable? ...or should I installing version 2.5.2?

  3. BNT reporter

    version 2.5.2 never tried, but for safety I patch the version because old version 2.3.16 I discovered is patched with the same trick.

    I try and I write you back again

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Well, if this is the case, I don't think 2.5.2 may make any difference, please try instead to restart JIRA, it's mentioned in release notes.

    Thank you.

  5. BNT reporter

    By BitBuckt download, version 2.5.4 isn't present, for this reason I ask you about download... I find 2.5.4 version at marketplace, I'll patch it and I'll reply you soon

    Thank you

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Sorry for confusion, you should not use BitBucket downloads, only marketplace, I've removed it to avoid confusions.

    Thank you.

  7. BNT reporter

    Yes, you have to change the atlassian-plugin.xml file twice (timesheet e pivot parts) and then it works fine!

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Ok, thank you for clarifying, last question, does it mean that 2.3.16 worked fine just before you updated to 2.5.4?

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Oh, ok, great, thank you for clarifying! Because it looked like there is something that broke in plugin since 2.3.16, so that I thought I could fix it. That's not.

    Thank you.

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