Stacked column workload chart in case of 'Group By'

Issue #429 resolved
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

In issue #416 pie chart is used in case of 'Group By', but it's inconsistent with timesheet gadget, which groups values by project and then by selected field.

Stacked column chart could suit it better, see example attached.

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    I don't think this is the case... and I also don't think that the information is inconsistent.

    Pie charts are used to demonstrate contribution and, because of that, must rely on total volumes of (for example): things, scope, estimated hours, types of issues and so on.

    We need this kind of graph (Worked Pie Chart), in our case, to demonstrate on a sprint, period of time or even in a filter of activities, how much hours were spent by each person of the team on that initiative. It means, to view the contribution of the team to that goal.

    On the other hand, bar charts are often used to compare quantities or to demonstrate magnitudes and also can resolve negative representations of information, for example, a value below zero, something that is or was below / above the average and so on.

    Of course having a NEW kind of graph is great for the solution and I encourage you for that... But it doesn't mean that [Worked Pie Chart] is inconsistent. Not at all.

    Finally, for us, combine the use of gadgets (timesheet tables and pivot projects with worked pie charts) is perfect, specifically because of the percentage informations and the amount of hours displayed in a single graphical view.

    Thanks and be my guest if need more comments.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hi Michel,

    Thank you so much for your insight!

    By inconsistency I just meant that information provided now with pie chart in case of Group By, is not of the same level of details as in Time Sheet gadget in the same case. It does not give details by project, while Time Sheet gadget does. I.e. with pie chart 'Project' piece of information is lost.

    May be Doughnut chart would be better? E.g.

    Note, I don't think of new chart or combining gadgets, that was just an illustration.

    Thank you.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    OK, understood!

    Hey, for sure, this doughnut graph is a great style for visualization. I had new ideas with it... Fantastic!

    Shortly, keep moving forward on graphical implementations, this, in fact, makes difference in your great solution.


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