Subtasks and issues hours are aggregate to Epics in a bad way

Issue #489 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Currently subtasks and issues are summed to Epics if "Sum Subtasks" is selected. The description says. "Specify if Subtasks hours will be added to hours of its Task (make sense only if Show Details is checked)". It says nothing about Epics. Can you please add a separate setting to sum subtasks into Epics, either on "Configure - Timesheet Report" page or on Configure Plugin Page. I need this setting configurable since it makes my issues, related to different groups (billing accounts) but assigned to one epic, aggregated under the epic without the split by various values of the grouping field. The issue is really burning since I have a billing to deliver to customer between 1st - 3rd March, and this issue really blocks me, since it aggregates issues for different billing accounts into one epic, which makes not sense to me.

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Aleksey,

    Are you using 2.7.7? This is configurable in Timesheet Configuration options. Please see also Issue#483

    Thank you.

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