Excel output does not match structure of report

Issue #553 wontfix
Paul Alexander created an issue

It would be useful if the Excel output from a report (e.g., Project Pivot) honored the structure of the report. For example, if I choose to 'sum all subtasks' on a report (which rolls hours up to the parent), it looks great on screen. But, using the Excel output function, the resulting data includes all of the subtasks individually so I am unable to further process the data given the structure I defined in the configuration.

//I am an Atlassian Cloud user.

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Paul,

    Excel view is designed to provide raw worklogs, however it should display worklogs of sub-tasks as work logs of parent issue. Could you please double check if this is the case? Then you can group/aggregate worklogs by issue, similarly as it is done in html view.

    Thank you.

  2. Paul Alexander reporter

    You are correct, Andriy. The Excel output displays all subtasks with work logs with the column to reference its parent. It also includes the Comment column showing the comment applied to the work log, if applicable. Functionally, this is great. I was only suggesting that the Excel output could roll up the hours to each parent (since that's what I chose in configuration) so I can copy/paste that raw data cleanly into another system.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Sorry, excel view is designed to show raw worklogs, and it's not going to change.

    Note, you can copy paste table from html view in the same way.

    Thank you.

  4. Paul Alexander reporter

    Wow, you're right. I didn't realize I could paste the HTML from a clipboard cleanly as well. Thanks for the tip.

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