"All Projects" no longer an option for Project selection

Issue #554 resolved
Former user created an issue

As of today when trying to run a report across all projects, the All Projects selection is no longer visible. Instead there is only "None" as well as the individual project names. This functionality has been present for a least a few months previously.

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Lake,

    It's just renamed, i.e. None behaves like "All Projects" before.

    But I will keep this issue open to add 'Any' option, to have report across all projects (similarly to Group). Note, currently one needs to specify Role: jira-users for this. Also it may be worth to add 'Any' option to Role selector.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    I've just realized 'Any Group' allows to get all worklogs, across all projects. Using 'Any group', instead of 'jira-users', allows to see timesheet for deleted users also.

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