[TIME-57] Time sheet Summary wont show daily hr

Issue #57 duplicate
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

As we you see form the attachment, the hr for each day the user did it wont show up but it will show the total hr, but some times it goes back to the normal, but most of the time t

We get this error;

2009-01-23 10:21:15,275 http-80-Processor18 WARN velocity Warning! The iterative is an Iterator in the #foreach() loop at 0,0 in template templates/timesheetportlet/timesheet-portlet.vm. Because it's not resetable, if used in more than once, this may lead to unexpected results

I opened an issue with Atlassian support but they ask me to report to you guys:


Please this urgent and I need to reported it back to all the project managers

By sarhang/Sarhang Hevary on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 17:40:36 -0800

Comments (2)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    I believe I fixed it recently (2008-12-19), could you please confirm you downloaded plugin after this, if not please check it, and let me know.

    Thank you!

    By azhdanov on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 07:06:54 -0800

  2. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    I guess this is the same problem as issue #56 "[TIME-56] Missing hours for issues in the timesheet", and there is a reasonable error message given.

    By azhdanov on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 10:45:21 -0800

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