Confluence Gadget that pull Total Time Spent by group for a specific period

Issue #650 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello Andriy,

We would love be developed a Confluence Gadget that allow to pull Time Spent for a specific period. Requirements details: 1. Gadget Confluence 2. Allow to pull time spent value for the period selected and filter settings 3. Provide filter field: Start date, End date, Filter by group or user, by status 4. Allow to choose unit display : hours or day or Man Month (8h*21d by default) 5. Allow to customize Man Month (ie . 7h * 20 d, etc.)

See below our current flow between Jira TimeSheet Report and Confluence Report. This gadget should allow avoid to click on each monthly report then manual report the values in Confluence page.

Thanks in advance!

Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Jacques,

    Thank you for your proposal. I would like to inform, that currently it is possible to have Timesheet or Project Pivot gadget be inserted into Confluence page. Both gadgets may have very short form, with Show Details off, or Group By: Project. Finally, gadgets in month view show full month, from 1st day of month to last day of month. May be it would be sufficient?

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Ideally it's about to get Monthly time spent in the very specific format & layout as requested by our finance folks for ease monthly and quarterly reviews. In the Devteam, we are using the timesheet detailed view for daily review as it is and it's perfect.

    In meantime, would try as it is recommended inserted the confluence. How to? - I tried with iframe but it's not as practical as we need - Didn't found them as gadget in

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks for the tip, my Jira Server admin will try that next days.

    In meantime, for our initial need, what about a develop a query "time spent" that could be use through a simple gadget more or less similar to existing "Insert Jira Issue/Filter" ?

    Example Input: query time spent ("2015-04-01",2015-04-30", group= X) Output: time spent in hours

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