Timesheets can trigger an OutOfMemory due to allocating too much memory in velocity template

Issue #669 resolved
Former user created an issue

While analysing OOMEs in the Atlassian Cloud we've noted a frequent cause is Timesheets trying to render too much data in a velocity template. It seems that it is similar issue like this one in tempo: https://tempoplugin.jira.com/browse/TT-1877 In attachment are some relevant stack traces and object memory traces.

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    I've maid certain improvements some time ago, one is disabling detailed view if there is more than 2300 work logs to display. Apparently this is still not enough.

    If you have concrete ideas on how plugin can prevent huge HTML result please let me know. Otherwise only switching to connect version may help.

    Thank you.

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