Week view sum doesn't count work logs from last month

Issue #681 resolved
Henning Tietgens created an issue


one of my users reports wrong sums of work if he enables the week view.

If it's the "normal" view all work logs are shown. If he switches to the week view the week total for the week which started in the last month (29. Jun - 3. Jul.) didn't consider the worklogs from the June, only the work logs from July.

We're using plugin version with JIRA 6.4.7

Thanks for investigating Henning

Comments (12)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Henning,

    It must be an issue with displaying week dates in gadget header. It should display 1. Jul - 3. Jul actually, thus do not include worklogs from June.

    Can you please provide gadget screen shot and check JIRA user timezone and language settings, and user browser timezone?

    Thank you.

  2. Henning Tietgens reporter

    It displays the week number and shouldn't consider only numbers for one month (unless the user configured this explicitly) if the gadgets summarizes a week.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hm, it does not look like I've added switch to show month view by days or by weeks in gadget in And I believe I've fixed similar issue some time ago. Could you please check if you can update to

  4. Henning Tietgens reporter

    The gadget is configured to show 2 weeks, starting on Monday. There is no configuration regarding a month.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    On first screen shot it's month view, starting from 1st day of month, but gadget header shows incorrectly full week date from Monday.

    This is improved in where you can chose month view to show full weeks or start from 1st day of month.

    Please update to latest if possible.

    Thank you.

  6. Henning Tietgens reporter

    It shows "1/Jul - 5/Jul". But only if the week is the first week. If the week is one of the middle weeks it shows the effort including June.

  7. Henning Tietgens reporter

    Ok, you can close this issue. I talked directly to the user and I think everything is fine. The numbers are different if it's month view and it's the beginning of the month. I think it's a little confusing that the number of weeks configured is the number of months if it's the month view.

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Yes, right. Note, with first switch in the gadget header, you can see hours grouped by week, like in month view, but always full weeks.

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