Issue with Timesheet plugin

Issue #706 wontfix
l created an issue

We are experiencing some issue with the jira service(version: 6.4.10). We have installed the Timesheet plugin in our instance. Our jira server went down with error and we have reported this tour vendor Atlassian. Atlassian has informed us that from logs, they have found error with the timesheet plugin.

I have attached the logs when the service went down. Please analyze and confirm whether this issue is caused by this plugin

Comments (10)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    Could you please check if you're using right version of plugin? You need 2.9.x, not 3.0.x for JIRA 6.4.10

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Additionally, looks like there is problem connecting to database: Unable to obtain a connection from the underlying connection pool

    Did jira went down right after installing plugin? Or after generating timesheet report?

  3. l reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    We have installed time sheet plugin version2.9.1.4 in jira 6.4.10. We didnt experience any issue after installing the plugin. But we are experiencing frequent unavailability of jira service and we will get timeshgeet plugin error in the logs.

    Please see the error below:

    2015-11-13 11:27:38,369 localhost-startStop-1 ERROR [timesheet.plugin.job.TimesheetJobScheduler] Unexpected error during launch

    Could you please check for the cause of this error?

  4. Andriy Zhdanov


    The error should be followed by exception stack trace. Could you please paste it hear?

    And at what moment does jira become unavailable? Did you notice any pattern?

    Thank you.

  5. l reporter


    Please see the logs of that day attached. On 13-11-2015, the service went down twice and this logs were copied when the service went down.

    Thanks, Parvathy

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Parvathy,

    I don't see anything related to timesheet plugin in the log. There is plenty of LockObtainFailedException from atlassian-subversion-revisions plugin though.

    Thank you.

  7. l reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    I have pasted the error from the logs that day to this ticket. Many times the error related to timesheet plugin was shown.

    Please see the error that I have copied when the service went down.

    2015-11-13 11:27:38,369 localhost-startStop-1 ERROR [timesheet.plugin.job.TimesheetJobScheduler] Unexpected error during launch

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    But I don't see it in the jiralog_nov13 log. It would be nice to see error stack trace for the Unexpected error during launch

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