Weeknumbers wrong In Time Sheet Report

Issue #741 resolved
Former user created an issue


We are currently facing the Issue that JIRA Time Sheet Report is not displaying weeknumber 53 for 2015. Furthermore the weeknumbers for 2016 are already wrong as weeknumber 1 should be 53, 2 should be 1 etc etc. (see screenshot)

Any Ideas on how to fix this?

Cheers, Matthias

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    yes that sums it up so far. The only difference is that we now have 53 weeks in germany instead of 52. But in general it is the same problem.



  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Matthias,

    Well, running jira with DE locale (-Duser.language=de -Duser.country=DE as described here), I see the week numbers shown correctly, please see screenshot.

    Could this be configuration issue on your side?

    Thank you.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Hey Andriy,

    thank you for your support. This seems to work. Note that you have use upper case letters -Duser.language=DE -Duser.country=DE

    Many thanks for your support!!



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