Timeout when running report and exporting to Excel

Issue #761 duplicate
Leigh Duncan created an issue

1) I keep getting this timeout error when running reports. 2016-02-15_14-25-08.png

2) How do I export a report into Excel? I can't see where to do this?

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Leight,

    1) It looks like it tries to load too much data. Could you please try if you can reduce dataset by specifying a project in Filter Or Project option?

    2) Once it starts working, there will be Excel icon to export to excel.

    Thank you.

  2. Leigh Duncan reporter

    Thanks Andriy.

    1) The previous add on was always able to handle this exact query. I can't really reduce the query any further. I have tried a few times now and it does occasionally run.

    2) When the report does run, it doesn't show any excel download icon.

    Thanks Leigh

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