Filters selectable only if favorited

Issue #775 closed
Ignacio Pulgar Martín created an issue

Saved filters are only eligible on the gadget's configuration page if you have added them as favorites.

This means that other filters you own cannot be used if you don't have them set as favorites.


As I own a really high number of filters, I don't want to have all of them as favorites, so I reckon this is a bug.

Comments (2)

  1. Hamilton Colyer-Long

    Agree this is a bug. The old gadget did not require filters to be made a favourite to be used. This "regression" means my issues menu is now cluttered with a lot of filters that are only used for my gadgets and it is harder to find the filters that I actually run manually.

    EDIT: The component listed for this issue is "Time Reports" but it applies to the gadget also.

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