Group By not working as expected

Issue #813 resolved
Former user created an issue

Dear Andriy,

unfortunately the "group by" function is not working as expected, please see attached screenshot as example.

The plugin is grouping the worklogs based on the choosen fields, but this is done on JIRA project level. Currently i do not know how to get issues out of several projects grouped by one common field into one single value. Our usecase is e.g. to group all maintenance efforts of several JIRA projects into one number and transfer this effort into our project management system. Currently i have to summarize these values of each project...

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Hans,

    There is Collapse Field Groups option in gadget and also report configuration for this case.

    Thank you

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hey! Thanks for the quick answer! Maybe you should rename this option to a bit more self-speaking name, furthermore i didn´t found a description in your documentation...

    Nevertheless, great plugin!

    Thanks & Regards, Hans-Hermann

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    I've added it to documentation, thank you for feedback.

    An idea for better name is welcome :)

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