Possible total hours bug in charts

Issue #814 wontfix
Michael Verselle created an issue


My name is Michael Hirst, and I am the Jira admin for the University of Arizona. I have a user who is having a problem with total time being displayed. This is what she reports:

I have a dashboard showing different slices of time worked. They are using the same criteria and are showing different totals. Also, when I click on the detail link in the chart showing the incorrect total, the detail actually shows the correct total. See first chart with 557.3 total hours. Just below that is the “Details” which shows 602.8 instead of 557.3. The third chart, which is the same criteria as the first showing the correct total at 602.h. I’ve attached the spreadsheet with the detail as well. It is in the Campus Community Component where the hours in the chart do not match the hours in the detail. Just for kicks I tried IE & Chrome and had the same results.

Can you help with this? thank you, Michael Hirst

Comments (9)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Michael,

    Is it possible that in case of grouping by Components, some issues do not have component initialised, or for some other reason particular value of components field causes the problem? It can be seen in detailed report, since number of hours in the report is correct, it should be possible to match chart slices to report table, and see what group is missing.

    Thank you.

  2. Michael Verselle reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Let me look into that and see if this is the problem.

    Thank you, Michael

  3. Michael Verselle reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    No I have not, but I have some more information from my user:

    Yes. Keep in mind that different dashboards are wrong on different days. The example below has two worked time charts. The first is by component, the second is by issue type. The time frames, groups included and source filter are the same. The first shows 1513.08 total hours, the second shows 1558.58 total hours. I’ve attached the detail spreadsheets for each as well. In the detail, I subtotaled and highlighted CC (Campus Community). The total in the detail is 155.249, the total in the visual pie chart for the same component is 109.75. (attaching files)

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Michael,

    Could you please clarify if the data in component.png is collected from the Time Sheet Report or somehow else? If you click Details link in the pie chart gadget, it should open Time Sheet Report with all the details, and the only difference is Collapse Field Groups option. So I would like to check the following:

    1) Clicking Details link it shows correct number of hours?

    2) Then click Change in the report, and enable Collapse Field Groups option, then does it still show correct numbers?

    I would expect that in 2) it should show wrong number of hours, as it is in pie chart. If this is the case, then it should be clear from the report what issues get into the group with the wrong number of hours - CC (Campus Comunity). Then It should be possible to compare two reports 1) and 2) and see what is the difference for the problematic group, i.e. what issues was not included in 2nd case, or may be some issues just have different number of hours.

    Thank you.

  5. Michael Verselle reporter

    Checking with my user, and I will get back to you once I get some information.

    thank you, MIchael

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