Timesheet report, when edited, selects time for all-users and cannot be limited to an individual

Issue #823 resolved
Geoff Hunt created an issue

Standard out of the box timesheet displays time by task for an individual. When a user edits the timesheet (changes the time visible to 2 weeks, for example, or even just edits, makes no changes, and re-saves) the timesheet includes all time entries for all users working on projects that the user has access to. This cannot be limited by editing to a single user; the user name is not saved/actioned.

Blocker: blocking time being entered as a user cannot see their own timesheet for the previous week when entering time

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Should be fixed now. But it's necessary to toggle All Users option twice and save gadget config to fix existing gadgets.

    Sorry for troubles caused.

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