Allow specifying work type in work log

Issue #827 closed
Konstantin Lisitsyn created an issue

It may be useful to specify type of work done for a specific issue, such as: Design, Documentation, Implementation, Triage, Testing, etc. Then it would be possible to summarize work activities based on the work type.

Would it be possible to extend Work Log dialog by adding a drop-down that links to a project-wide predefined list of possible work activities?

What I'm looking for - it shouldn't be just one single activity list per Jira installation, instead one should be able to define a set of possible Work Type lists (software development related activities for software project, technical support related activities for helpdesk area), and assign those Work Type lists to projects as needed.


Comments (4)

  1. Konstantin Lisitsyn reporter

    Thank you Andriy, I'll be watching the issue - hopefully it'll notify me when it gets "closed". Probably we'll adopt your add-on for our time keeping / reporting needs (10-20 people org), when the feature becomes available.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov


    Just would like to let you know, with collaboration with other add-on vendor, I've come to conclusion to support work type by first word in worklog comment, e..g.

    1. Fix this terrible problem
    2. Develop this awesome feature
    3. Verify this tricky case)

    Then it is possible to Group by: Comment Firstword

    It is possible in both Timesheet Reports and Gadgets add-on for JIRA Server, and in Time Reports add-on for JIRA Cloud too.

    Thank you.

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