Timesheet report doesn't show user information inside detailed view

Issue #852 resolved
Alexander Zololotarev created an issue

Hello Andrey,

When i use Timesheet gadget(https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/jira-timesheet-plugin/server/support), i able to see logged infomation divided by users. But when i click "Details" i just get the same amount of issues but there is no information about users at all. If i try to see the same report in Excel, i able to see "Username" column.

We faced this problem right after we upgraded JIRA to 6.4.12.

Thank you in advance.

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Alex,

    Could you please check if there is Show Details option enabled in gadget configuraiton? And then when you click Details, then Change, is Show Details enabled?

    Thank you.

  2. Alexander Zololotarev reporter

    Hello Andriy,

    Thank you for the quick response. Yes, "Show detailed report per users." is also set to "Yes". I can provide any screenshots or logs if needed.

    Best Regards, Alexander Zolotarev

  3. Alexander Zololotarev reporter

    Gadget settings:

    screenshot-adc luxoft com 2016-04-25 11-54-38.png

    Gadget works correctly:

    screenshot-adc luxoft com 2016-04-25 11-57-38.png

    When i click "Details" i see just bunch of issues without any information about users:

    screenshot-adc luxoft com 2016-04-25 12-01-29.png

    Timesheet reports settings:

    screenshot-adc luxoft com 2016-04-25 12-08-58.png

  4. Alexander Zololotarev reporter

    Hello Andriy,

    Do we have any updates regarding this issue? Thank you in advance.

    Best Regards, Alexander Zolotarev

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Alex,

    Looks like it is caused by Worklog limit plugin configuration option. Could you please check if it has appropriate value? So that number of worklogs in your report is less than the limit value.

    Alternatively you may try Group by: Worked User option in gadget, then Details link will pass it to report also, and it will be broken down by users, with no worklog details, because of Worklog Limit option.

    Thank you.

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