Timesheet plugin not showing empty rows when filtering based on Project Roles

Issue #878 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Timesheet plugin is not showing empty rows when filtering based on Project Roles but show the empty group when filtering by the Group. and people in the group or in the roles are the same.

Step to reproduce

step 1:

  • Create a group group1

  • adding 3 people in this group (user1, user2, user3)

step 2 :

  • in a project, adding the same 3 people (user1, user2, user3) in a role (team1 for example)

step 3 :

  • adding 2 timesheet gadgets in the dashboard

  • first gadget :

    - select "show empty row" to "yes"
    - in "Role" field select the "Team1"
    - Everything else by default
  • Second gadget :

    - select "show empty row" to "yes"
    - In "Show summary for users in groups" field select  the group "group1"
    - Everything else by default

in the timesheet filtered by role, we wont see the empty lines of the people that do not have worklog but the timesheet filtered by group, we will see them.

The people in the Role or the group are the same, we should have the same result

Thank you for your help

Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    Sorry, now I can't get why I thought it's not supported, it seems to work for me in both versions, 2.9.x for JIRA 5-6 and 3.x for JIRA 7. I've been trying to come up to any idea why it would not work, with no luck also. If you have any thoughts, please let me know.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    We did a migration from jira 6.4.6 to 7.0.6 Maybe a side effect. I dont know so far, but if I find anything else I will let you know Thank you

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Sorry, I can't come up with another idea, so please double check roles configuration for the project, and if you find something, please reopen.

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