JIRA Timesheet Reports and Project Pivot for JIRA not loading in browsers

Issue #879 resolved
Sean P created an issue

The above mentioned gadgets arent loading on any of the 3 major browsers.

The following error is recieved: auth-refresh.js?v=5d17277…&container=atlassian&debug=0:561 Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Window': Invalid target origin '/plugins/servlet/gadgets/rpc-relay' in a call to 'postMessage'.

I have tried my exact same user on other machines and some of them work and some of them dont. All of them are on the same network and seem to be routing the same way.

  • Tried loading the page as my user on another machine same browser version (success)
  • Tried loading the page as my user on another machine same browser version (failed)
  • Tried loading the page as a different user with the same results as above, one case failing to load the other successful. We do not know what differences these machines have that would cause this issue.

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sean,

    Sorry for delay, but can't come to any idea other than asking Atlassian for help. Please try to highlight that problem you're facing is apparently laying in confluence-jira integration, and most likely not in the add-on itself.

    Thank you.

  2. Sean P Account Deactivated reporter

    I have reached back out to Atlassian. We will see what they say. Thanks for the help

  3. Sean P Account Deactivated reporter

    I thought I would reach out and inform you of the solution here. The problem was found that using http was causing the issue and using https returned all the gadgets to a working state.

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