Time per person per project with screenshot.

Issue #897 resolved
Dennis Popov created an issue

Hi @azhdanov and @rombor I used to extract time for our Financial Department in a way so that I can see how much time it was spent per project . Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/bbf85f But with new plugin , i do not think it's possible any more.. http://prntscr.com/bbf9gm

Will you bring this feature back , otherwise we cannot use a very good tool we used to have. Thank you!

PS May be just help me to find a proper configuration pretty please...

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Dennis,

    You need to select Report: Pivot By Users in Opitons on the left.

    Also you may hide details, to see data grouped by projects only. Click expand/collapse icon in the period slider.

    But there seem to be some problem with grouping by project in your case. Project name is not shown in the groups.

    Is it the case for all projects?

    Thank you.

  2. Dennis Popov reporter

    Hi Mate, thanks for your quick reaction, you are the best.

    Here is what i've got, after i hide details: http://prntscr.com/bbtt4p

    Projects are not shown at all, after i choose "Prject" in the "Group by field" dropdown.

    DAMN!!!! I think i found the reason! After I remove "Collapse field groups" checkbox it looks ok again=) http://prntscr.com/bbtute

    But now I when I export it to excel, it looks like I am getting the complete report, not the collapsed version. Do you know if i can do something about it ? http://prntscr.com/bbtxpf


  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Dennis,

    Ah, I'll fix it to ignore Collapse Field Groups flag in case of Group by: Project.

    Regarding export, sorry no, it has only one format, just dump of worklogs matching the query.

    Thank you.

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