Gagdets have disappeared

Issue #918 closed
John Rainey created an issue

I am trialing the Time Reports and Gadgets for JIRA cloud. This morning all of my gadgets display the following error message:

"This gadget cannot be displayed on your dashboard. This could be due to a licensing problem or an application error. If you need this gadget, contact your administrator for assistance. Otherwise, you can remove it from your dashboard."

I have no idea what happened, as I have made no changes.

Best, John

Comments (10)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    The issue is resolved by disabling and reenabling the add-on and performing a re-index.

    Issue is caused by JIRA upgrade last night.

    Sorry for troubles but Cloud staff is always like that.

    Thank you.

  2. Hamilton Colyer-Long

    This fixed the same problem for me. What a nuisance! Thanks for suggesting the solution quickly Andriy.

  3. Mats Holmblad

    Hi Andriy,

    We had the same problem today and solved it the same way. Another JIRA update? Any concern this happen on every update?

    Best regards...


  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mats,

    Hi Mats,

    Sorry to hear. According to Atlassian:

    The fix for the issue will be rolled overnight today. For now the workaround is the same. 
    The bug report is here:

    Thank you.

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