All Timesheet gadgets reports error displaying

Issue #922 closed
Former user created an issue


All timesheet gadgets for all our cloud users returns following error: "This gadget cannot be displayed on your dashboard. This could be due to a licensing problem or an application error. If you need this gadget, contact your administrator for assistance. Otherwise, you can remove it from your dashboard."

It seems that with licensing all is ok, so it is unclear where is the issue.

thank you.

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    The issue should be resolved by disabling and reenabling the add-on and performing a re-index.

    Issue is caused by JIRA upgrade last night.

    Thank you.

  2. Sebastian Ezequiel Ovide

    I have not disabled and reenabled the widget and now it works... did the cloud guys did something ? should your team sync with the cloud team ?

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    May be your instance was restarted, it's known to solve the problem too.

    Atlassian can not fix the root cause yet.

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