Timesheet add on has crashed Jira

Issue #932 resolved
Chris Garvey created an issue

Having installed the Timesheet Reports and Gadgets for JIRA add on this morning our Jira has crashed and is now displaying a "Page unavailable" page. Is this a common occurrence? How do we fix this? Secondly, how do I use this add on - I don't see any instructions on where to navigate in Jira to run these reports?


Comments (1)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Chris,

    I don't think Time Reports add-on itself can cause it, as it is purely static add-on and runs in your browser only. It may only overload your JIRA when report is generated, but there are preventions for it, and as far as I understand you did not reach to the point when you can generate report.

    So, I would recommend opening support ticket with Atlassian and asking to restart your JIRA.

    As for instructions, you may refer to documentation, it's minimal but still may help a bit.

    Also, I'm trying to move Time Reports issues to different issue tracker, please use it next time if possible: azhdanov/timereports/issues

    Thank you.

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