Results not displaying on Chrome

Issue #952 resolved
Terry Anderson created an issue


I am currently evaluating your add on and seem to be having some display problems in Chrome (my normal browser). Please see screen shot.

Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 08.44.40.png

Basically it seems to be missing the core details rows which I see if I check the report in firefox.

The issue is not limited to this specific report layout. I am not seeing any details for any reports in Chrome. Just the column headers and summary row.

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Terry,

    Could you please check if there is javascript error in Browse Developer Console?

    Other than that I believe problem can be fixed by clearing browser cookies.

    Thank you.

  2. Terry Anderson Account Deactivated reporter

    Morning Andriy,

    I have cleared all cookies, hosted app data and content licences for all of time in chrome and i continue to not see the report data. The is the console log from page refresh and clicking "view report Screen-Shot-2016-07-19-at-08.29.55.jpg"

    I guess you also may find the dom layout useful so here's another screen shot. Looks like the content is never getting injected into the dom (comparing to the FF page elements).

    Screen Shot 2016-07-19 at 08.35.35.png

    Does that help?

  3. Andriy Zhdanov


    I just would like to let all know that if problem persists, it is now possible to collect diagnostics, using Track Support Data option in add-on configuration, and send me collected data by email or direct BitBucket message or via Atlassian Support for investigation, to fix the problem really.

    Thank you.

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