Issue link in timesheet gadget opens confluence instead of jira

Issue #964 on hold
Martin Kellner created an issue

Didn't find this kind of issues in the change log of the newer version since 3.0.51

Our Version: 3.0.51


  • timesheet report gadget (using it in confluence)
  • Grouping by epic link
  • when clicking the epic link a non-existing confluence page is opened and not the jira issue link

incorrect: https://confluence-server/browse/PROJECT-xxx correct: https://jira-server/browse/PROJECT-xxx

Comments (11)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Martin,

    Do you mean it worked before?

    Looks like it's not feasible to fix, because of using JIRA FieldLayoutItem to generate html for custom fields like Epic Link field, and it apparently generates relative URL.

    Could you possibly try if a Story shown in Confluence somehow, has correct link to Epic?

    Thank you.

  2. Martin Kellner reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    we start using the timesheet plugin intensively at the moment for a customer support project. I can't compare it to a previous version.

    I don't have stories in this project. So I can't check at the moment.

    Regards Martin Kellner

  3. Martin Kellner reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    yes of course ... if I insert the jira issue macro in confluence and filter "issuetype in (epic)", the result is a list of epics and they link to the jira server and not to the confluence server.

    regards Martin Kellner

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Well, it's a bit different, I would like you to check issues that are not epics, but that have epic link field. i.e. issuetype not in (epic), or "Epic Link" = DEMO-1, where DEMO-1 is an epic.

  5. Martin Kellner reporter

    Ok .... the Epic Link is displayed as a static text and not as a link. Some kind of workaround ;-)

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Well, if it satisfies your needs, in gadget you may try Epic Name or Epic/Theme instead of Epic Link.

  7. Martin Kellner reporter

    I don't think that it would work. Because grouping is done with the epic link field which is set in the issues that are linked to the epic. Epic name is only set in the epic itself, isn't it?

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    There is special logic in plugin to take epic name from related epic, i.e. it traverses through sub-task to task or story then to epic, and takes name from it.

  9. Martin Kellner reporter

    Special logic ... ok ;-) I will use it as a workaround. You should keep it in your backlog if things change and you are able to fix it.

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