Timesheet report for "worked user" working incorrect

Issue #981 resolved
Tatyana Dreditova created an issue

When I create timesheet report with these settings: http://screencast.com/t/QoJxXRksy1yd and http://screencast.com/t/cJNGHbN0

I'm not able to see the report per person. Here is the result http://screencast.com/t/WaoXpTBE2

Also when I'm trying to configure new report Start date and End date is missed http://screencast.com/t/IAvLucqcOcP

The version of my Jira is v7.2.1.

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Tatyana,

    Users are not shown because you don't have Show Details option enabled. Irina is shown by mistake, the Worked User column should be empty in case of Show Details: off. What plugin version are you using?

    As for missing start/end date when you click Configure. You can try Change link in the report header instead. Configure button is provided by JIRA itself, and may be you have missconfigured date format so selected dates can not be parsed correctly. Looks like start/end date is not even passed to the report itself. So please check this page, and make sure you have correct settings: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira/changing-the-due-date-input-format-192536.html

    Thank you.

  2. Tatyana Dreditova reporter

    Thank you Andriy,

    Thank you for the explanation. I've never used Show Details checkbox. The correct report was created without it. I'm using Version 3.0.7. As for start/end date I'll check my settings.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Tatyana,

    I've double checked and still think that it's not possible that it worked without Show Details before. May be it was checked on by default, you just did not notice it.

    I have just also added fix to avoid confusion in future, so that wrong data was not displayed.

    Thank you.

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