User summary is not displaying - just keeps loading

Issue #993 resolved
John Lavides created an issue

Hi Support,

We have 1 user that her timesheet is not loading if she load her own summary. But if she load the summary of other user it is loading. Is there a related issue for this?

Regards, John

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi John,

    Could you please check if there is javascript error in Browser Developer Console?

    Thank you.

  2. John Lavides Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    This issue is now ok. But can you confirm, if the issues is already closed but assigned to the user even without work log. The timesheet will load all of it and that was the cause of loading error of the timesheet.

    Regards, John

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi John,

    It should not cause a loading error. If it does, I'd like to fix it, but I need your help, for identifying the problem, probably by providing error from console.

    If the issue has no work logged, the issue just does not appear in report (until there is Show Empty Rows option implemented (timereports/issue#920 and enabled).

    Thank you.

  4. John Lavides Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    But in our users case. The issue appear in report but show empty rows. How would i know if it is enable?

    Regards, John

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Well, I should admit I must be confusing add-ons. I've assumed you use Time Reports for JIRA Cloud.

    Timesehet for JIRA Server does have Show Empty Rows option, so it must be enabled in gadget configuration.

    Then error may be seen not only in browser, but also in jira.log.

    Thank you.

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