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servertimesheet / Tips and Tricks

This page is intended to describe some non-trivial use cases that are possible with Timesheet and Pivot reports.

Entering time right from Jira dashboard

Using Time Sheet Summary gadget in single user mode, currently logged in user can log worked hours from dashboard. Time can be entered for previously worked issues, or any issues matching filter configured in Administration - Add-ons - Timesheet Configuration with In Progress issues option. Note, this possibility may be disabled in Timesheet Configuration with Disable Logging Work option.

Timesheet report for multiple users in summarized form

Report shows totals by user, if you check 'Show details' option. Also take a look at Project Pivot report shipped with the plugin, it just shows total worked hours, but with no "group by project".

So, since version 2.3.16, there is 'Worked User' pseudo field to be used in Group By Field report configuration option, so report will show summary by user additionally, also grouped by project, and disregarding 'Show details' option.

Timesheet for project users

There are Group and Role configuration options in both reports and gadgets. They provide view for subset of users. Also in Timesheet gadget, when Group is selected all users in group will be shown, but if Role is selected only users that have logged hours will be shown. In report, with 'Show Details' enabled, all worklog details will be shown separately per user.

Since version 2.3.15 it is possible to see timesheet for project users if project is selected, and no target user is specified. Although it is possible to specify Group and/or Role, they will be used to narrow down project users subset.

Note, it does not include users from Users role. So, if you'd like to have view for it, it's necessary to select Users project role instead.

And before version 2.3.15, to display worked hours for project users, it's necessary to select project role that contains only relevant users.

Note, before version gadget configuration has combined Project or Filter, used to limit issues displayed in gadget.

Timesheet limited to project

Though, if you'd like to see timesheet for currently logged in user limited to project, workaround now is to create filter for only project issues, e.g. Project = myproject, and use the filter in Project or Filter configuration.

Weekly Report

If you don't specify Start/End dates, you may bookmark report URL and get time data for last week, up to the current date.

Also since version it is possible to add reportingDay url parameter, to make report behave like gadget, i.e. show time spent for the current week, up to next Monday, or any other day you specify. E.g. reportingDay=1 for Monday.

Since version 2.9.3 there is support for numOfWeeks, offset and monthView url parameters for time period in reports also, thus different date ranges than a week are possible.

E.g., you'd like timesheet report about whole previous month. So you need to specify offset=-1 and numOfWeeks=1 with monthView=true and keep other parameters specified normally in report configuration, so the url should be, something like the following:


Note, the easiest way to compose correct report url is to click Details link in corresponding gadget, when it shows variable time window you'd like to get in the report.

Cost report, based on the timesheet information

It is possible to see actual costs in reports using Worklog Cost Additional Field, basing on user hourly rate defined in User Properties.

To have Worklog Cost to be listed in report configuration Additional Fields options, Timesheet Auditors Groups must be configured in Administration - Add-ons - Timesheet Configuration. So that only members of groups selected in Timesheet Auditors Groups option will be able to see costs.

Then, it is necessary to specify hourly rate for each resource/user, by creating a property for that user called hourly rate with a numeric value which is specific to each user in Edit User Properties page, see Administration - User Management - select user - Actions - Edit Properties.

Worklog Cost will be calculated and displayed in timesheet report as an additional column, and it can be exported to Excel or CSV, to calculate project costs for a period.


Billable vs. non-billable time

If you have custom field, you can use filter with 'your_custom_field is not null' or 'your_custom_field = BILL' clause for example, then use the filter in a report or gadget to get only paid hours. Also if you'd like to show both billable and non-billable hours, you can select your field in Additional fields' and do manual processing in excel view. Or, select your field in Group by option, to immediately see aggregated billable and non-billable hours.

Also, you could differentiate hours by project roles or users, using Group by Role or Worked User.

Timetracking additional field in the reports

You may select a number of Additional fields to show extra information in Timesheet or Pivot report. And 'Time Tracking' field will nicely display time spent along with remaining time per issue. E.g.:

Timetracking Field

Role additional field

Since version 2.3.15 it is possible to add Role as additional field into Timesheet report (see in the very bottom of Additional fields, as it is pseudo field), or use it for grouping, also in Timesheet gadget.

Accumulate hours over issues

Sum SubTasks report configuration option makes reports to aggregate logged hours and any numeric Additional Fields into parent task, using native Jira SubTasks feature, and optionally Jira Software Epic Links, and optionally custom Issue Linking, see corresponding options in Plugin Configuration.

Alternatively, using Group By report option,reports aggregate logged hours and any numeric Additional Field for the grouped issues, and display in corresponding report section. Also using Collapse groups option, it's possible to get overall total.

Finally, report total section beside summing up logged hours, aggregates any numeric Additional Fields too.


Plugin has support for public holidays, see Timesheet Holidays. But for personal holidays or sick leaves, it does not have special support, but there is a workaround - create separate project (say Internal) and a few issues for different kind of leaves, and let users log hours on it.
