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servertimesheet / Unified Plugin Views

Version 2.3.6 brings number of new features, see below, but also deprecates old Timesheet and Group Timesheet gadgets and adds new Timesheet gadget. You will definitely notice it if you use any Timesheet gadget. Even though they still should work, and even have some features added, it is recommended to delete them from dashboards and add new Timesheet gadget with corresponding configuration.

See also short (3 minutes) video for quick journey to the new features on YouTube.

New features!

  • issue #271: Support for Roles selector in all plugin assets
  • issue #273: Sum SubTasks for all plugin assets
  • issue #255: Unify gadgets, so no there are totally 5 in 2 gadgets
  • issue #234: Monthly view - by week for Timesheet gadgets.
  • issue #223: Sliding interval for Timesheet gadgets

Please see screen shots also:

Timesheet Gadget Options

Timesheet Gadget Slider

Pivot Gadget Options

Pivot Gadgets
