Has thIs this plugin dried out?

Issue #5 resolved
TimC created an issue

Hi Andriy Has this plugin died?


Comments (3)

  1. TimC reporter

    Nope, I'm trying to help my customer get the right Plugins ie. Plugins that don't featurebloat

    Avoid Plugins that looks like they are dying out or being obsoleted by featurebloat either in Atlassians own stuff or by other plugins.

    This plugin looks like it could superseeded by "Version Workload" report to some extent, and since last upgrade was a while ago then I was in doubt.

    I might put it in the test environment next month.

    BTW - Will I see you in Spain? - I'll buy you a serveza then..

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Right, there is a bunch of better plugins solving similar problem, but if you find this one useful, it's still supported.

    And, sorry, I don't plan to attend Summit in Europe this year.

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