Add comment with time to issue when do "log work"

Issue #18 new
Artem Malahov created an issue

Thank you to this add-on, its very helpful.

But it not contains back links (from issues) to timespent, and no way to view time when user see issue page. Maybe when user do "log work" we can create a new system comment in issue with information about time and link to timespent?

Comments (3)

  1. Oleksandr Velytchenko

    Hi Artem

    Thank you for issue, it will be considered. Could you please clarify some moments with comments in case of 1. editing existing worklog 2. removing worklog 3. changing issue in worklog

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Artem Malahov reporter

    Oh, thank for reply. It is not final task, that only idea. But i think about this answers: 1. Worklog must save comment_id, when user edit worklog - reference comment update too 2. Comment remove too 3. Comment move to another issue

    Another idea: information in issue can be another type (not comment), sample: additional block in right panel of issue page.

    Sorry my english.

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