Package lacks documentation and examples

Issue #1 new
nomeata created an issue


judging from the name, your package might be what I’m looking for. It would be nice if there was documentation to be found, including example code using it, and example output.

Thanks! Joachim

Comments (4)

  1. Michael P. Jung

    I just registered the project at RTD. I'm planning to release the docs as part of 0.4.0 with the revamped API. Maybe it is time to call it 1.0 soon as I'm pretty happy with the state of dinbrief apart from the weird BriefTemplate API which was caused because I subclassed PageDocTemplate instead of creating a stand alone class. Right now I can only think of two missing features: fillable forms and more styles with the "simple" flowables (H1, H2, H3, UL, LI, etc.)

    For the first version of the docs I'll just write some example uses (invoice, business letter, etc.) and add some downloadable demo PDFs.

    Feel free to ask anything about dinbrief and I'll be happy to include it in the docs.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi, I am also interested in the dinbrief project but as I am just beginning to understand python and django, I am not able to use it without documentation. Therefore my question: Do you some example code how to use dinbrief, preferably in a django project? Thank you for your efforts! Timm

  3. Michael P. Jung

    Hi Timm, for a quickstart check out the "" which creates a nonsense invoice with some form fields on the next page. Starting from there you should be able to figure out how to set the address and add flowables to your document. Since dinbrief is 100% independent of Django and only has optional support for django's gettext, number_format and date_format functions I don't think a Django example would benefit anyone. When using Django you will probably want to add dinbrief to your INSTALLED_APPS as it adds support for the locales directory. (Currently there is only a German translation)

    Documentation ... yeah, would be awesome, indeed! :)

    I might find some time before new year to work on that...

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hello Michael, thanks for the help. I managed to create a din letter in a django view. If you need further input on what to include in the docs and how to develop the package, I am happy to help. E.g. one problem I have now is how to include a logo in a fixed position. As I said I unfortunately don't understand to much of reportlab and how I could draw in the canvas in the BriefTemplate. But I would like to stress that I am very grateful that you developed this package and published it here. Have a nice christmas holiday!

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