
Issue #40 closed
gruijter created an issue

if no one else will maintain this app, I'm willing to do it.

Comments (5)

  1. Terry Hendrix repo owner

    Sound great! I can give you access so you can rewrite the App. If the rewrite is OK, then i’ll transfer the ownership to you. Deal?

  2. gruijter reporter

    No need to give me access. I’ll just clone the repo (I rather work with Github). Only transfer that needs to be done is at Athom (your developer app page, there you can transfer the app).

    But maybe some other dev is willing to maintain it. I already have 15 apps to maintain for Homey. So I will wait a week or so before starting to work on it.

  3. gruijter reporter

    As I understand @Bjørnar Almli will take over the maintenance. So closingbthis issue (as soon as I know how to 😂)

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