Table is rendering on only one ticket, not all tickets in project (as configured)

Issue #14 closed
Alvin Rodis (TT) created an issue

Hello - I am evaluating Related Issue Panel in my Dev environment to see if it meets requirements to show related Service Desk tickets from the same Reporter. So far it is fulfilling my needs. However, I cannot figure out why the table is rendering on literally only one ticket. I have attached images of the panel config, the table config and how the table looks on the ticket. Again, I the table is rendering on only one ticket but I'd expect it to show on all ticket within my project, TT Service Desk.

Your response is appreciated, as I would like to make a decision on whether or not to move forward with this in our production instance this week. Thank you!

Comments (13)

  1. Yury Oboz repo owner

    Hello ;)

    I do not understand problem. Have you entered all issuetypes in issuetype field in config? Panel rendered only in issuetypes from IssueType field and project from Project field.

    P.S.: sorry for bad english

  2. Alvin Rodis (TT) reporter

    Hello Oboz - thank you for the quick reply! If you refer to the screenshot I had attached, "PanelConfig", you can see that I have configured a Project (TT Service Desk (TTSD)) and Issue Type (Incident, Enhancement).

    So, I would expect the panel to render for any issue within the TT Service Desk project with an issue type of either Incident or Enhancement. However, the panel is only rendering for only one issue. Nothing is rendering for any other issue and there are many that meet this criteria. Please advise. Thank you.

  3. Yury Oboz repo owner

    Try result jql in navigator: replace "@issue.reporter " to reproter from issue. If issue not found - panel do no displayed. Empty table do not displayed.

  4. Alvin Rodis (TT) reporter

    Thank you. Yes, I understand what you are saying. However, I am unable to configure an individual reporter from the issue. We are looking to use Graty panel in our Service Desk project. What I need to show is other related Service Desk tickets (Issues) created by the same Reporter.

    We have hundreds to customers that are the "Reporter" in a Service Desk ticket, with new customers being added all the time. So, that's why I needed the flexibility of @issue.reporter. Is there another way around this?


  5. Yury Oboz repo owner

    You do not understand me ;)

    Get reporter from issue where panel not displayed, and test Your jql from config in JIRA navigator. If issues not found - panel will not displayed

  6. Yury Oboz repo owner

    For debug, open <your_jira_site>/rest/slie/1.0/graty/issues?panelId=1&issueKey=XXX-11111, where XXX-11111 is issueKey where panel not displayed

  7. Alvin Rodis (TT) reporter


    TTSD-8870 is an example where there is no panel rendered on the page, but there are matching issues, based upon the panel config. TTSD-9161 is an example of a panel being successfully rendered on the page.

  8. Alvin Rodis (TT) reporter

    Thank you. I will take a look at it either this afternoon or early next week after the holiday.

    Thanks for your help.

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