Sync epic field to story

Issue #2 closed
Nastja Kozlova created an issue


Thank you for your add-on, it's very useful. Is it possible to sync fields between epic and story?

Comments (9)

  1. Itamar Ben-Sinai

    Hi, Great plugin.

    Listener for epic....

    In the links section, I expect epic link, which does not exist. Can you add?

    How do you link story to epic and copy from related epic to its story issues


  2. Yury Oboz repo owner

    Try this solution:

    for sync Epic -> Child use jql:

    "Epic Name" = @issue.customfield_xxxxx

    where customfield_xxxxx is "Epic Link" field id

    for model Child -> Epic use jql:

    issue = @issue.customfield_yyyyy

    where customfield_yyyyy is "Epic Name" field id

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