Sibling Subtasks don´t get updated

Issue #6 closed
Thomas Heidenreich created an issue


we want to keep priorities (and other fields) in sync between several issues - the setup is as follows:

Bug-Ticket <==Link==> Story <==Subtask==> Subtask(s)

  • When editing the Story the Subtasks and the Bug is updated (fine!)
  • When editing the Bug the Story and the Subtasks get updated (fine!)
  • When a Subtask is edited the Story and the Bug is updated but not the sibling Subtasks

The flag "Send notification for synced issues(UPDATE ISSUE event)" is set.

Can you assist here?

Thanks in advance Thomas

Comments (14)

  1. Yury Oboz repo owner


    Are You have 4 listeners?

    Bug -> Story

    Story -> SubTask

    Story -> Bug

    SubTask -> Story

  2. Thomas Heidenreich reporter


    thanks for the quick answer. I had only have 3 listeners

    Bug <-> Story (combined) Story -> SubTask SubTask -> Story

    but configuring it as 4 listeners does not solve the problem.

  3. Yury Oboz repo owner

    Of course, there must be 3 listeners. I'll try to reproduce a similar situation tomorrow and find a problem

  4. Yury Oboz repo owner

    Strange bug:


    If I edit first subTask: second subTask not updated.

    If I edit second subTask: all subTask updated.

  5. Thomas Heidenreich reporter

    This looks good - I´ll present the solution to our customer in an hour... Thanks for the fast fix!

  6. Thomas Heidenreich reporter

    One more question (I didn´t try this out) - does the sync give a warning when a scriptrunner behavious doesn´t allow a value to be set? I would guess "no"...

    Would there be a way to prevent issues in active sprints to be synced?

  7. Yury Oboz repo owner

    I tested the "sync fields" plugin with the scriptrunner plugin.

    Scriptrunner behavious validate field on web form, but not global validate on server side. So sync filld plugin ignore validations from Scriptrunner behavious

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