Comment Syncing Issue

Issue #7 closed
Former user created an issue

I'm seeing an issue with the way comments are synced.

We have have a Main ticket that opens 2 linked tickets and would like to sync fields and comments across them.

Ticket A is the main ticket and ticket B and C link and block ticket A.

B and C aren't linked but both link back to A.

We'd like it so that when B is updated it updates A which then updates C.

We see this for custom fields but comments are not working. We also see that when Ticket A receives a comment it is duplicated 5 times to ticket B and C.

Comments (16)

  1. Yury Oboz repo owner

    Hm. It't wrong configuration, because if will edit issue in SYS project, both listeners activated and listeners do not filter destination issues. Example: SYS-1 have two links with INFRA-1 and NET-1. If edit SYS-1, first listeners receive for sync INFRA-1 and NET-1, and second listener receive for sync INFRA-1 and NET-1.

    Good case:



    FIlters for destination issues: 3.png


  2. Yury Oboz repo owner

    But synced comment do not trigger listeners. I disabled this feature so that users do not receive spam. Tomorrow I think about add option for activate recursive commit sync. P.S. sorry for bad english and thanks for report

  3. Yury Oboz repo owner

    The new version is tested, you can also try. The publication is planned for the first half of the next week

  4. Kevin Zimmerman

    Thank you for the update! How do I create filters? I'm not seeing the same screen that you posted above for the filters

  5. Yury Oboz repo owner

    old filters is deprecated; Use JQL filter: for example project = SYS and issuetype = Task

  6. Kevin Zimmerman

    Got it thank you! I noticed that I am emailed now when I comment on a ticket. I get an email to myself that I mentioned myself in a ticket. Is there any way to remove that? I have the "My Changes" setting in my Jira profile set to Do Not Notify me. I'd still like field syncs to send emails just not an email like this. Thanks again.

  7. Yury Oboz repo owner

    It's jira API problem:

    For "add comment": If you want run listener for target issue after add comment need call JIRA's "comment added" event. But this event run email-notification.

    For "edit issue" event is no problem, because "issue updated" event for run "listeners" and run notificators are divided

    PS: sorry for bad english; PPS: I think about generate a custom event for a comment instead of a standard "comment added" that do not generate spam

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