Issue with Rate Custom field Plugin

Issue #5 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi Team ,

We are running a shared environment with 500 clients . Normally these clients will raise a jira ticket with us and we use to provide solutions for the clients . Now we are interested to get customer feedback for our service . For this we have installed and enabled a Plugin in our shared environment .

As a part of testing we are seeing that only admins are having rights to provide feedback . Users are not able to edit the user feedback custom field . For example I as a Admin I am able to provide feedback in the issue ticket but the reporter who is jira user is not able to provide feedback . This should not be the case , actually feedback should be provided by the reporter of the issue . But using this plugin reporter is not able to edit the user feedback column . Is any setting I am missing ?

Please note I have followed following steps to perform this activity : Install Plugin Step 1 : Log into your Jira instance as an admin. Step 2 : Click the admin dropdown and choose Add-ons. The Manage add-ons screen loads. Step 3 : Click Find new apps or Find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page. Step 4 : Locate Rating CustomField via search. Results include app versions compatible with your Jira instance. Step 5 : Click Install to download and install your app. Step 6 : You're all set! Configure Custom Field Step 1 : go to admin Step 2 : issues Step 3: custom fields Step 4 : add custom field, provide name , description and options for the plugin [rating] Add the plugin to Your Project Step 1 : Go to project Setting , Bottom down Step 2 : In Summary Page Step 3 : Go to Screens option in Summary Page . Step 4 : Search for the screen , example " New ADOP DCSC Request Support Screen Scheme " for our ADOP Kanban board . Step 5 : Click on Edit Issue - the link with the screen name Step 6 : Add the Plugin here .

I have attached the error screenshot . As a reporter I am not able to edit User feedback field . Edit option is not visible for me .

Please help us here with your support .

Regards, Nidhi

Comments (3)

  1. Yury Oboz repo owner

    Hi. It’s not an error. If user do not have “Edit Issue“ permissions, then he has no fields to edit, including rating.

    Here what you can do:

    Create transition in workflows named like "Rate our work" and add screen to this transition with rating customfield, then grant permissions to customers to run this transition

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