Sync Fields problem on PostgreSql database

Issue #1 closed
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We have installed sync fields plugin and we noticed a problem - it does not work on postgresql database. All the sync events causes error: 2016-03-17 09:08:42,558 pool-707-thread-1 ERROR pperyga 548x27807x1 nwtr4f, /rest/api/2/issue/VGPSUP-136/comment [r.s.jira.fsync.AbstractListener] There was a SQL exception thrown by the Active Objects library: Database: - name:PostgreSQL - version:9.3.4 - minor version:3 - major version:9 Driver: - name:PostgreSQL Native Driver - version:PostgreSQL 9.1 JDBC4 (build 903)

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist: boolean = integer
  HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.

The SQL: {code:sql} SELECT config."BSH",config."ENABLED",config."NAME",config."ID",config."SELECTOR_TYPE",config."JQL",config."NOTIFICATION_ENABLE",config."SYNC_USER" FROM public."AO_C5350F_CONFIG_ENTITY" config JOIN public."AO_C5350F_CONFIG_TO_PROJECT" cp ON cp."CONFIG_ENTITY_ID" = config."ID" JOIN public."AO_C5350F_PROJECT_ENTITY" pe ON pe."ID" = cp."PROJECT_ENTITY_ID" JOIN public."AO_C5350F_CONFIG_TO_ISSUE_TYPE" ct ON ct."CONFIG_ENTITY_ID" = config."ID" JOIN public."AO_C5350F_ISSUE_TYPE_ENTITY" te ON te."ID" = ct."ISSUE_TYPE_ENTITY_ID" WHERE pe."PROJECT_ID" = 14102 AND te."ISSUE_TYPE_ID" = '10001' AND config."ENABLED" = 1;

Problem is at the end: config."ENABLED" = 1;

The structure of AO_C5350F_CONFIG_ENTITY: || Column name|| type || |BSH | text | | ENABLED | boolean | |ID | integer | |JQL | text | | NAME | character varying(255) | |NOTIFICATION_ENABLE | boolean | |SELECTOR_TYPE | character varying(255) | | SYNC_USER | character varying(255) |

As you can see ENABLED is boolean and condition in SQL is ENABLED = 1 (should be ENABLED = true

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