question about JQL and tree custom field

Issue #11 new
Former user created an issue

Hi. i'm using tree custom field in Jira Server 8.0.0 I'm using tree custom field to record cascading list.

I want to choose issues that have only [A/*(any)/C] in their value. How can i choose them using what JQL expression? What I can do is only 1) 'tree_field' in tree('A', 'C') 2) 'tree_field' in tree('A') AND 'tree_field' in tree('C') and both are not right. help!

Comments (11)

  1. 유형종

    Hmm. Thank you for your comment. But it’s not what i wanted.

    For example,

    ‘tree_field’ of Issue (1) has the value [A/B/C, D/E/F] and
    ‘tree_field’ of Issue (2) has the value [A/B/F, D/E/C].

    I want the issue that has just A/*/C. (That is, the expected result is issue (1).)

    But when JQL is “ tree_field in tree(“A“) and tree_field = “C“ “, it’s result is Issue (1) and (2).


  2. 유형종

    also you can use path as value

    tree_field in tree(“A/Z“) and tree_field = “C“

    If my tree_field is year/month/day and search for ‘year/month’ in JQL, can I find the corresponding value?

    oh I found ‘year/month’ is possible!

    but my Jira server says “Option not found” for ‘month/day’.

    I need JQL for ‘month/day’. Is there any way to find it from the “middle-option”?

  3. Yury Oboz repo owner

    contains_path(“month/day“) (tree_field ~ “month/day“)
    contains_path(“year/*/day“) (tree_field ~ “year/*/day“)

    this is what you need?

  4. 유형종

    Yes. Exactly!

    I would like to be able to freely search (select only a few if desired) given options at each depth.

    I hope to have good results.

    Tree Custom field is a really nice plugin, and it will be the best if these features are added.

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