Sync Fields problem with Synchronized event

Issue #4 wontfix
Former user created an issue

We use sync fields to synchronize issues in two projects based on "clones/is cloned by" relation. Notification checkbox is checked but Synchronized event won't fire.

I've tested execution of this event from workflow transition post function and everything worked fine.

Is there a way to debug Sync Fields? I have tried setting DEBUG level for ru.slie.jira.fsync in jira logging system but i can see only entries like: /rest/api/2/issue [r.s.jira.fsync.AbstractListener] Jira Sync field listener executed in XX milliseconds

Comments (18)

  1. Dominik Bruliński

    We've configured synchronization for fields listed below:

    Summary -> Summary, Description -> Description, Comment -> Comment, Attachment -> Attachment

    Synchronization of all this fields works just fine but event used with notifications not.

  2. Yury Oboz repo owner

    Check for updates. Yet will synchonization fire "Issue updated" event instead "Synchronized" event.

    I use "Synchronization" event in code, but JIRA call "Issue updated" event anyway.

    P.S: I send bug to JIRA's bugtracker

  3. Dominik Bruliński

    I've updated this add-on and unfortunately it's even worse the before. Now in atlassian-jira.log I can see only error without details ERROR (...) /rest/api/2/issue/<ISSUEKEY>/comment [r.s.jira.fsync.AbstractListener] needless to say there's no way event will fire if synchronization wasn't successful.

    Any ideas? Is there a debug logging i can turn on?

  4. Yury Oboz repo owner

    This is strange. Describe the details which fields are synchronized and what type of connection used. I will try to reproduce this bug.

  5. Dominik Bruliński

    Much better. Synchronization works. Thanks.

    btw. any news on calling synchronized event?

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