Integration to import values with excel connector for Jira

Issue #41 on hold
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I'm using excel connector for Jira to update and create issues in JIRA. All fields are ok, but Tree custom field doesn't work. I Can'get the value and only can choise the first option

Comments (3)

  1. Yury Oboz repo owner

    The "Tree customfield" app provide a new fieldtype with custom value type.
    I think "Excel connector" for exchange fields values between Jira and Excel convert all values to string and correctly convert only standart types such as "String", "Text", "Select List", "Numeric", etc. so in Excel displayed only names without path.

    Update the tree customfield via rest works normal.

    I can try to add global settings that tree cutomfield values always converts to string with full path.

    But it’s more correct if developers of "Excel connector" to implement this in own application

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