Issue ID is displayed in R4J view plan instead of path name

Issue #64 closed
Yuval Zaltz created an issue

Hi Yury,

We want to convert central fields in our schema to tree CustomFields type,

but we have a blocker problem with integration to the R4J ( this is a central App we are using for our requirement. as you can see below in their form we see the field id instead of the field name/path.

I have contacted them and what they are getting when trying to pull the value is a JSON as you can see below:

so they pull the ID as they are not sure what value to take.

They asked if when calling the GetCustomFieldValue you can return an HTML Format with the actual value to display they can fix it in their end.

I’ll send them a link to the case.

I’m adding Angelica’s email to the case if you want to contact her for questions:

Angelica Salazar

Comments (2)

  1. Yury Oboz repo owner


    If need get HTML value (java API), you can try this code(works for all customfield types):

    CustomField cf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject(10000L); // Get customfield object
    FieldLayout f = fieldLayoutManager.getFieldLayout(issue);
    FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem = f.getFieldLayoutItem(cf.getId());
    String html = cf.getCustomFieldType().getDescriptor().getColumnViewHtml(cf, issue.getCustomFieldValue(cf), issue, cf.getCustomFieldType().getVelocityParameters(issue, cf, fieldLayoutItem), fieldLayoutItem);

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