EazyBI - Mappedb your field as custom but do not see values :-(

Issue #70 closed
Dikla Tavor created an issue


I have a large organization testing your great app and they have to have the tree values in eazybi,

I mapped the field as custom field in eazy bi but do not see any values. all issues show with “none” - is there additional configuration I need to do?

Thanks Dikla

Comments (3)

  1. Yury Oboz repo owner


    Go to eazyBi → settings → Advances settings, and paste customfields configuration like this:

    # For single field
    data_type = "string"
    dimension = true
    levels = ["Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5"]
    split_by = "/"
    # For multi field
    data_type = "string"
    dimension = true
    multiple_values = true

    Then reimport data.

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