
The ASCI Extend Model in Existing Class

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Revised by Austin 8e7a6db

I'm going to use PaymentTransaction as the example as I work through the conversion. This way I can note tips and tricks to save some future headache.


  1. Change class PaymentTransaction to class PaymentTransaction extends Model
  2. Remove any private class variables associated with db columns (e.g. $created).
  3. For PaymentTransaction many of the class variables were named with underscores in the way they are in the databases.
    • If this is not the case, the getters and setters need to be updated to reference the appropirate column variables. (e.g. $this->poNumber would need to become $this->po_number when the db column is named po_number.
      • My suggestion would be to keep all of the getters and setters, at least at this point. This will maintain compatability with existing code. I also personally like the getters and setters.
    • The next thing I did was run the tests. This caught variables in the FactoryMuffin object that were mis-named. (e.g. PaymentTransaction factory used invoiceId and needed to be changed to invoice_id. This is more than just in the FactoryMuffin definition, because there was some custom construction of these factories in various test suites.)
  4. I elimitated code that would set improper data to an empty string in order to have it remain null. (e.g. check_deposit_date was set to a date if it was valid, else ''. I removed the else and chose to ignore any assignment. It simply stays null.
  5. Look through CRUD methods implemented in the class (e.g. save(), delete(), etc). Remove them.
    • PaymentTransaction::save() was a little more complicated than a simple update of attributes in the database. It also called upon invoice to update its balance.
    • PaymentTransaction::save() also set the created attribute. I originally put a hook to set created after create, but that overwrote things set in the Factory. Plus there is a default value in the database, so it should be good to leave out.


Test Failures

  • Many test failures will be resolved easily by remaning properties etc.
  • I had test failues due to date issues. PaymentTransaction::check_deposit_date was being saved as a date while PaymentTransaction::created was datetime. The switch to ActiveRecord caused some weirdness in the Reporter that had an if/else query on those two fields. The factory was creating a date from created while expecting it to be a string. Simply setting it as a Date object resolved this issue.

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