Error on upgrade on iPhone6+

Issue #21 resolved
Calvin Eaton created an issue

I get an error after the most recent upgrade to version 2.5.1 on 27 July 2016. "Unexpected Character encountered while parsing value: {. Path 'events[0].description' , Line 1 position 56."

Comments (8)

  1. Dillon Buchanan repo owner

    Hmm, that's extremely disappointing. Looks like a regression caused by the "improvements" I tried to make in the Bitbucket client. I've made a fix and have passed it off to Apple for review. Their turn around time has been quite quick so hopefully you'll have a fix in your hand within the week.

  2. Lukas Hechenberger

    I'm getting a similar error message on my iPhone 6S with Path 'events[4].description' , Line 1 position 4366.

  3. Dillon Buchanan repo owner

    This should have been solved in the current release (2.5.2). Let me know if you're still seeing issues.

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